TaimenCode: 99930305

Price: 1.39 USDAvailable in stock, Shipment: 24hTaimenTackle Spin Fishing > Waders, Wading Boots > Wading AccesoriesUSD

Taimen Tungsten Carbide Studs

Taimen tungsten-carbide tips studs for wading boots. Virtually indestructible - easy to fix in felt or rubber sole.
Screw length 1 cm.
Price by one piece
We recommend to use 8-14 studs for one sole.
Taimen tungsten-carbide tips studs for wading boots. Virtually indestructible - easy to fix in felt or rubber sole. Screw length 1 cm. Price by one piece We recommend to use 8-14 studs for one sole.

Model: Taimen Tungsten Carbide Studs

Photo Model Description


1- stud (sharp Tip) Code: 10063395 Taimen Tungsten Carbide Studs
1.39 USD